The Grand Opening of Quark's Qantina
Feb. 7, 2009

This is a private party.
We are not affiliated in any way with CBS Studios Inc., Paramount Pictures, the Star Trek franchise, or any other entity associated with the TV series or movies.
All Star Trek trademarks, logos, names and images belong to CBS Studios, Inc and are used here under fair-use guidelines.
Recipes and images from our parties may not be copied without written permission from me, Barbara Healy. Copyright © 2009 QuarksBarb.

The invitation was sent out on September 3, 2009, two days after Quark's Bar at Star Trek: The Experience in Las Vegas closed.

The idea behind the party was that Quark had entered into an arrangement with the Wookie Chalmun (of Chalmun's Cantina in the city of Mos Eisley on Tatoine (of Star Wars fame)) to open a new establishment. It would be called Quark's Qantina and would be located on the Healy Space Station.




The color theme for the party was primarily blue and silver with multicolored bright accents.
The welcome sign was created using the original Quark's Bar sign but in 'our' colors.

(Our kitchen)





Some of the DRINKS

Bailey's Comet – do you see the flames?

Prakal II Green Drink with round blue ice cube

Klingon Martini made with beet vodka

Red Toran

Risan Mai Tai (this was a popular one!)

Stardrifter (served with a black salt rim and a dried kiwi)

Chief O'Brien tasting Keiko's Stardrifter

One of the lite-cubes (Betsy liked hers so much we let her take it home!)

Too much to drink? Use the TURBOTOILET
One of the many signs posted throughout the house



Admiral Forrest before he was an admiral

Darth Vader and Princess Leia

Darth Vader challenging an alien to a lightsaber duel

A close-up of the alien

The alien unveiled

Dr. Who

A couple of Duberites (recently returned from a trip to Egypt)

A Starfleet Marine from the USS Black Hawk guarding the guest's weapons

The Jetsons

Chief O'Brien and his wife Keiko

The Queen of Uranus and Darth Vader

The Queen of Uranus illuminating the blue light in the family room

Starfleet officer cozying up to Princess Leia

Guests congregating in the family room

Starfleet personnel

(I edited out the background because the glaring 20th centuryness of our kitchen didn't do it justice)

Jawa and Klingon

The food was intentionally rich to counteract all the alcohol.
Although we had worked out "virgin" versions of many of the drinks no one ordered them that way.

The fruits surrounding the pedestal
-- Debi did such a beautiful job arranging them! --

(Budda's hand lemon, banana flower, bitter gourd, quince, horned melon, pomegranate, turmeric and ginger root, purple kohlrabi, starfruit, guava, passion fruit, mineola)

Pakoran throck tongue with beetle puree
(Lentil dip with blue potato chips)

Cardassian tojal with fettran sauce and yamoc sauce
(Shrimp with red sauce and lemon habanero mayonnaise)

Pipius claw
(Chicken salad with sesame)

Wentlian condor snake and hasperat
(Chinese long beans in tomato onion sauce and
tortillas with cream cheese/humus, roasted red pepper and watercress filling)

Taspar eggs
(Deviled emu egg dip with sweet potato chips)

Rattlefish nipples
(Italian riso nero with cannellini beans)

Klingon gagh (with a bit of dirt still attached)
(Radicchio noodles with ground pork)

Palmarian tartok salad with humat pod dressing
(Arugula with roasted garlic and caper dressing)

(l to r) Klingon throat stew,
Vulcan redbat sausage casserole,
Ferengi tubegrub salad
(Coddled pork, sausage and potato casserole, octopus salad)

Today's Special: Earth Sliders (White Castle Hamburgers)

These needed to be reheated in the "replicator"
which had been fitted with new 'controls'

Romulan Osol Twist
(Lemon meringue pie from Baker's Square)

Yigrish Cream pie with pera-cream sauce
(Sticky toffee pudding with caramel sauce)

Jimbalian fudge cake
(Flourless chocolate cake from Whole Foods)

Delavian chocolates
(Vosges exotic truffles)

I would like to publically thank Em and Forrest
for the help they gave us during the last week of preparations.
This event would not have been possible without their support.

Debi and Kevin, my sister Linda, and Dave and Roberta
also deserve our thanks for without them we would not have been ready on time!

I really thought this would be the first party where we were ready BEFORE the guests arrived but, when I twisted my ankle one week before the party and had to stay off my feet for 3 days, I knew that wasn't to be. As a result I wasn't able to attach the labels I had made for all the bottles and had to eliminate a few of the appetizers.

Next year, however, (yes, we are planning to have this party again)
I WILL be prepared!

Em, the best friend I've ever had.
In addition to keeping me on track through the last-minute rush, she made all the panels covering the kitchen cabinets, laminated all the signs and recipe cards, and spent almost the entire party washing dishes.


We began planning this party in July of 2008!

Once the menus were established (using Memory Alpha), we spent the next 6 months testing recipes for the foods and developing recipes for the drinks. Our goal was to duplicate the appearance of the comestibles on the show – which were not meant to be enjoyed and could be created from unappetizing ingredients like real worms and Karo syrup – with things that tasted good. At the same time, we didn't want to serve recognizable foods or drinks so we tried to choose things that were strange to most people. The foods were easy, we're always on the lookout for unique things to eat and everything we served we had prepared before, but the drinks took us the full 6 months and required the creation of several home-infused liqueurs.

Every drink was to be served in a unique glass which I had been collecting since the inception of the party. I researched the glasses used on the show and tracked down as many as I could.

The photos below show the process of choosing which recipe to serve in which glass. Wherever possible, we used a glass similar to the one used on the show; but we also took into account the color of the drink and the size (strong drink=small glass):

The "winners" with the garnishes we planned to use.
We tried to find garnishes that were unusual as well – blood oranges, dried hibiscus flowers, licorice and lite cubes, among others.

Arranging the glasses on the counter to make sure they fit:

The alcohol we would need to create all 25 drinks:


The bottles they would be served from:
Many of these bottles are found objects. I tried to "find" them in blue. For instance, I was able to find the Cardassian kanar, Triskellion Whiskey, and Vulcan Port bottles in blue. The shapes of the other bottles were chosen because they were either identical or similar to those seen in screen shots of Quark's Bar.

Em, creating the silver panels to cover the cabinets in the kitchen:

Under the panels, KC hung colored lights:

KC built a miniature shuttle which we "parked" on the street in front of the house the night of the party

He built it over a 2-week period in the middle of January
when the temperature outside was in the single digits.

It's mounted on wheels so he can pull it around

It's big enough for an adult to sit inside

The door

The finished product!
It's currently on our patio while we decide what to do with it until next year.

Press here to see pictures from the RE-opening in 2010!
Press here to return to OOAKFOLK personal picture menu.

I am not affiliated in any way with CBS Studios Inc., Paramount Pictures, the Star Trek franchise, or any other entity associated with the TV series or movies.
All Star Trek trademarks, logos, names and images belong to CBS Studios, Inc and are used here under fair-use guidelines.
Recipes and images from our parties may not be copied without written permission from me, Barbara Healy. Copyright © 2009 QuarksBarb.

Last Revised: April 30, 2010
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