My husband and I have always liked theme parties, and got the inspiration for this one during our last visit to Star Trek: The Experience at the Hilton in Vegas
where they were selling a Star Trek Cookbook.
When The Experience closed in September of 2008 we gave that as the 'reason' for the party: after closing his bar at The Experience, Quark entered into an agreement with the Wookiee Chalmun, of Chalmun's Cantina in the city of Mos Eisley on the planet Tatoine of Star Wars fame. The new establishment would be called 'Quark's Qantina' and all would be welcome, including 'droids. Our first re-opening was not what we had hoped it would be. Although our guests may not have noticed, we ran out of time and were not able to do all the things we wanted to - the bottles didn't have labels (in fact, the bottles almost didn't have alcohol in them!), the Dabo table wasn't built, the menus weren't accurate and there weren't enough of them. So . . . we had to have the party again! The following year, since a lot of the 'work' had already been done, we WERE able to finish many of the things we had missed the year before and our second re-opening was MUCH better than the first! The new Dabo table was a HUGE success, the décor was much more appropriate, the bar was much more organized, and all the bottles had labels. We had many more drink options, the menus were printed in both 'alien' and 'english' and there were enough of them to go around. But, there were still things we wanted to improve on, so we had the party the party next year AND the year after that! Then, my mother was diagnosed with dementia, and I managed her care which gave me no time for party prep. Around the same time, my husband accepted a new job which gave him no time for party prep. So, the party was put on hold. BUT . . . we DO plan to have another one, or two or three. . . If you would like to attend you will need to join one of the forums I am a member of, Alec Peter's Invisionzone or The Klingon Empire and become an active member. This is a private event to which we only invite people we 'know'. There is no charge to attend; we do this entirely at our expense, and in our home, so there is a limit to the number of people we can accommodate and we choose our guests carefully! If you have something to offer - ideas, talents, props, costumes, etc. . . - we would love to hear from you. If you have something we can use, you might just get an invitation! When I started planning our first party (in October of 2008) I hoped to use the same bottles, glasses and tableware that were used on-screen but I never realized how hard it would be to find them! The information I needed - photographs of what was used, identifying data (size, manufacturer, pattern name, etc. . .) and where to get them - was not available ANYWHERE! Not willing to let that stop me, I researched every image I could find until I had what I needed, and then I created this website to document the information I had collected hoping to help other people, like me, who want to collect Star Trek table and bar ware (whether for a party or just for display) and face the same problems. While there are photos and descriptions of the physical items on the Star Trek Auction Archive and there are screen caps in several places no one, to my knowledge, has documented the ORIGIN of those items or researched their current availability. If you know of one, please send me the link!!!! Recipes were another problem. The Star Trek Cookbook, which had started this whole thing, was very good at describing what was used on the show but we do not drink Karo syrup or eat raw chicken! To be fair, that cookbook does have many real recipes in it but, understandably, they use common ingredients and we wanted our dishes to be more exotic, even if that involved importing things that are not available locally. So, we spent a lot of time researching and developing our own recipes, for both food and drink, the results of which resemble what was served on-screen but are edible and, we hope, actually taste good. Some of our recipes will be presented here. This website is a work in progress and reflects the current state of my knowledge, which will always be incomplete. It is also purely MY OPINION, not fact, and should be treated as such. I have no connection to CBS Studios, Paramount Pictures, or the Star Trek franchise, I have not consulted anyone who worked in the prop department or handled any screen-used props other than the few glasses I own. My opinions are based solely on screen caps and my knowledge of tableware (which I have collected since I was 12). I welcome all corrections, additions, and discussions! When I created this website I had intended to locate and catalog every piece of table and barware used on the show but I have come to the conclusion that is unrealistic. There are so many pieces, and many of them are so unremarkable, that it is unlikely anyone would want to track them down; therefore, I have only included those things which I see as 'special'. Things that *I* would like to own. If I have not included an item that is dear to you, let me know and I'll see if I have any information on it. If you are still interested in what I have to offer . . . check out the details page. Next to the screen caps will be a photo from the IAW auction, with measurements if available, and a photo of our found item (or whatever we are using until I can locate the found item), plus whatever information I have that might enable you to find the item in question. You will also find help with the graphics including instructions on making bottle labels, stoppers, and menus. If you do throw your own party, please let me know how it turns out! |